Applause Productions and Entertainment
The end of the year is always a time to celebrate. And that means parties with festive food, fun, and frivolity. But the best parties include entertainment that leaves a lasting impression and a desire to be on next year’s guest list. These extravagant entertainment options will show you how to heat up your 2015 holiday party.

2. Classic Twist. The absolute, pure beauty of both of these classical forms of entertainment are invigorated with a mesmerizing twist. Classic strin
gs are elevated when their acoustic elegance transcends musical boundaries with mind-blowing electric rock. The epitome of technique and grace becomes even more awe-inspiring and spellbinding when a classical ballerina pirouettes on to the stage.

3. Traditional Favorites. Sometimes a holiday party just isn’t the same without a few classic favorites. Maybe that includes Santa or even Santa with Ms. Claus and a heart-warming storytelling opportunity. Surely your guests will enjoy a glamorous entry to your party with an aerial bartender. Whatever the entertainment theme, these options are always a hit.